Giving The Players Jobs Can Help With Engagement
Posted on 2024-07-23
Giving the players jobs can help with engagement.
Playing old school it was common to have a mapmaker and an accountant. These are extensions and variations on those jobs.
Assign these jobs or take volunteers.
The Artist - draws on the map, draws new tokens, does sketches of in game activity ...
The Scrivener - records NPC names, location names, lists treasure and rewards and notes who is carrying it, ...
The DJ - cues 30 second mood music snippets like, babbling brook, animal roar, gentle rain, thunderstorm, tavern chatter, shouting mob, ...
The Lore Master - An experienced player or DM who can pull in lore from other systems and fantasy literature.
The Barkeep - Makes sure that drinks and snacks are at the table. Wipes up after spills.
Rules Lawyer On Retainer - the person who has system mastery in the game, and can explain how something works, but shuts up the rest of the time except to play
DMs or players can suggest other jobs.
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