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MixRemix - Creative Commons Jazz - 2024-07-26
Steve Lawson And Daniel Berkman-Finger Painting

Posted on 2024-07-26

MixRemix - Creative Commons Jazz - 2024-07-26

MixRemix On Anonradio - From The Creative Commons Jazz Library - 2024-07-26

Hark​/​Winter (Christmas 2016) by Steve Lawson

FingerPainting by Steve Lawson and Daniel Berkman

Snowflake & ccMixter-Peace of Winter

Hypotenuza-Meanwhile in The North Pole

Back To Earth - Graytheflutesmith

Various Artists - netBloc Volume 3: La Plus Belle Guerre

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Jazz Buskers 2024-07-05
Posted on 2024-07-25

Jazz Buskers, July 5, 2024

Jazz Buskers, Conley Hunt playing percussion and Hairy Larry playing piano and singing in front of GHO on Main St. in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

00:00 1 Low Earth Orbit
09:28 2 Tangerine
18:55 3 Stella By Starlight
26:55 4 After You've Gone
33:55 5 Malaysia

"Low Earth Orbit" and "Malaysia" by Larry Heyl - licensed CC BY
"Tangerine" by Schertzinger and Mercer
"Stella By Starlight" by Victor Young
"After You've Gone" by Layton and Creamer, Public domain, arranged by Larry Heyl - this recording is licensed CC BY

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Giving The Players Jobs Can Help With Engagement
Posted on 2024-07-23
Giving the players jobs can help with engagement.
Playing old school it was common to have a mapmaker and an accountant. These are extensions and variations on those jobs.

Assign these jobs or take volunteers.

The Artist - draws on the map, draws new tokens, does sketches of in game activity ...

The Scrivener - records NPC names, location names, lists treasure and rewards and notes who is carrying it, ...

The DJ - cues 30 second mood music snippets like, babbling brook, animal roar, gentle rain, thunderstorm, tavern chatter, shouting mob, ...

The Lore Master - An experienced player or DM who can pull in lore from other systems and fantasy literature.

The Barkeep - Makes sure that drinks and snacks are at the table. Wipes up after spills.

Rules Lawyer On Retainer - the person who has system mastery in the game, and can explain how something works, but shuts up the rest of the time except to play

DMs or players can suggest other jobs.

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Posted on 2024-07-22

If I follow you it's because you touched me somehow. Maybe a boost or a follow. Maybe someone I follow boosted you and I enjoyed your post. Or maybe I read your introduction and we share common interests.

If you follow me back that's fine. It makes life easy. But if you don't that's fine too. Honestly, I'll never know.

I'm not here for reach. I'm here for conversation.

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NJHB - New Jazz In Jonesboro - 2023-11-05
Posted on 2024-07-21

New Jazz In Jonesboro
Jonesboro Public Library
Jonesboro, Arkansas
November 5, 2023

1 Crates
2 Bella's Blues
3 Candles
4 Interdimensional Lumber
5 Malaysia

Alex Washam - drums
Conley Hunt - percussion
Matt Jackson - bass
Hairy Larry - piano and vocals
Jeremy Jackson - guitar

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DJ Hairy Larry Presents Daniel Turner Playing Customized Bliss
Daniel Turner

Posted on 2024-07-21

DJ Hairy Larry Presents Daniel Turner Playing Customized Bliss
From The Archives Of Something Blue July 21, 2024

Thanks Marty, Today we’re going to hear a solo guitarist play at the Brookland Methodist Church.

On September 30, 2015, I arranged for Daniel Turner to play at our Wednesday night Praise service. He does a solo act he calls The Infinite Calling and it’s improvisatory ambient music. We usually sang praise music on Wednesday nights, dancing along and doing the hand movements. So when we had special music I tried to bring in acts that were different to expose our kids to a variety of music. When Infinite Calling played that night I think I pretty much suceeded in doing that.

We had a lot of kids showing up for our Wednesday night services. So many that they outnumbered the adults in multiples of 4 or 5. Fifty kids and ten adults was a thing that happened sometimes. And when we were outnumbered like that we just had to blend in, singing, dancing, and doing the hand movements, just like the rest of the kids.

We’re Methodists so we were happy to host musicians who were Lutheran, Presbyterian, Jewish, and even Baptist. Sometimes we had bands singing at our church that couldn’t sing at their own church. But this was the first time we had a Buddhist.

When we had Wednesday night special music we didn’t have a service. The preacher would open with a prayer and then I’d introduce the band. After I introduced Daniel he gave a short Buddhist prayer. It fit right in.

I was worried his music would be a little much for the kids but they loved it. About ten minutes into his set some of the kids were lying on the floor in the aisle. Now we did tumbling in church but even for us that was kind of weird. And then the whispering started, the music sounds much better when you’re lying down. Next thing you know Gretchen and I were on the floor too, enjoying Daniel’s “Customized Bliss”.

That’s what he called his song, “Customized Bliss”, 36 minutes of guitar improvisation, a little bit too long for radio. So I have prepared an excerpt for us to enjoy on Arkansa Roots, about a sixth of his whole piece. I’ll post a link to the whole concert on the Something Blue website at

So, here he is now, Daniel Turner, live at the Brookland United Methodist Church, recorded on September 30, 2015.

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Something Blue-Petite
Amy Gadiaga-All Black Everything

Posted on 2024-07-20

Something Blue - Petite

This week we’re featuring Rob Alley, Nubya Garcia, Amy Gadiaga, and Balimaya Project. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at

Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at

Amy Gadiaga – All Black Everything

Nubya Garcia – When We Are

Balimaya Project – When The Dust Settles

Rob Alley Trio Live At The Craighead Forest Bandshell on June 21, 2009

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MixRemix Radio
Posted on 2024-07-19

MixRemix Radio

I do a weekly show on anonradio called MixRemix - Creative Commons Jazz.

The songs are selected from my Creative Commons Jazz library at

I have an algorithm that picks the music and it's a random algorithm. I pick 6 albums randomly and then I randomize the tracks. I wrote the code in php. It also writes the text file listing the albums and dating the show.

The show is two hours long and it is possible that 6 albums wouldn't be long enough but it hasn't happened yet.

My agency starts and ends with adding material to the library. (and making sure the shows are long enough)

The library is currently 21.3 Gigabytes of mp3 files. Every so often I go into a frenzy of searching for and adding albums. If you have released Creative Commons jazz let me know.

640 meg holds 1 hour of .wav files so approximately 10 hours of mp3 files. So 2/3 of a Gig is approximately 10 hours of music. In total around 320 hours of jazz.

Each week I run the program, check that it's long enough, and then I upload to a linux instance on the google cloud for streaming to anonradio and to the internet archive for public listening.

Here's the MixRemix Radio collection on the Internet Archive sorted with the most recent shows at the top.

This collection also includes shows from when I ran a 24/7 streaming station from at home. I may do this again sometime but I have been awfully busy lately.

The library is also available in a web player that supports playlists.

Click Random and then play and it randomizes the whole library.

Click Music Folder Player for the player code. It's a plain text program licensed AGPL-3.0. By plain text I mean it doesn't use a database. Music Folder Player is written and maintained by ltguillaume. It's on GitHub and Codeberg.

My generate the show code is very specific so it is unreleased. If you want a copy email


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Posted on 2024-07-19


ghorwood wrote:

how did “documentation” become six youtube videos of conference talks and a discord channel? was there something wrong with opening a text editor and just typing out how your project works? did people at some point say “i hate scannable, searchable references”? was there a study that showed copy-pastable examples cause cancer?

it’s 2035 and your api reference is now six emojis, a folk song, a short series of improv scripts and the zapruder film with subtitles. if you have any questions, contact us on nextdoor or call this 1-900 number.

technicat responded:
@ghorwood I expect text scores higher on accessibility than video of a laptop screen. Where's the alt text police when you need them?

hairylarry responded:

I have always been a proponent of text documentation for every stage of the project. Back in the day I wrote "The Document Is The Program" for Freshmeat (now defunct).

Now a good specifications document. With code walkthroughs? (code free code walkthroughs) Now that will save you some time. It's a lot less work to write the document than it is to code to an ambiguous spec.

Look I know it's going to change. But you still have to know where to start.


Here's the link:

If you're not on Mastodon or some other federated server already you are welcome to try

Believe me, the conversations are better.

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Looking For A Used Computer
Posted on 2024-07-15
Looking For A Used Computer?

To get a good solid machine with great specs I've been buying used HP workstations one generation or two back. These will range from $100 to $500 depending on your spec. I'm fine with no hard drive since they are cheap and easy to install but it is cheaper to get the amount of ram and the cpu you want at the time of purchase then it is to upgrade.

If you buy without a hard drive add $50 to $100 to the price. $100 will get you an ssd boot drive and a multiple terrabyte data drive. This is the configuration I recommend. If you buy a system with one or the other but not both you can add the drive you're missing.

If you install linux install to the ssd and put the home directory on the data drive. Search for instructions on how to do this and search again if the page stinks of AI.

If you use windows the grey market OEM keys work fine and are less than $10. Or just run unactivated and ignore the warning text. I do not recommend win11 because it's the worst spyware ever. I do not recommend windows at all but I do run win10 on some machines because some of my favorite software doesn't run on linux.

Again, if you are using multiple drives search for installation instructions.

Don't forget to have fun! Seriously. I really enjoy putting a new (used) system up on the bench. If I really mess up I don't have any data at risk and I can just start again.



I have found the HPs to be reliable but they are not white box so if you lose the motherboard or power supply it may be cheaper to replace than repair. You can keep the drives.

If white box is desired I like Dell but not all Dell machines are white box so check carefully. White box means standard motherboard mounting specs and standard power supply mounting specs (to me).

When I buy a laptop I usually get Toshiba but my livestream laptop is an Acer that was designed for livestreaming.

Also HP has business machines that are also good and both business machines and workstations come in small form factor which is neat and still allows for your three drives, ssd, data, optical. I like both the SFF and the towers.

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