Fortune and Misfortune
Posted on 2024-05-14
Fortune and Misfortune
Luck rolls for Just Quest Milyagon/Tobbins Shire adventures
I've been working on a DM kit for my Just Quest sandbox.
Fortune and Misfortune
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If a player wants to try something very unlikely a nat 20 brings fortune.
If there is a small chance of something really bad happening a nat 1 brings misfortune.
2d6 dice table for Fortune and Misfortune
02 As bad as it can possibly get
03 Pretty bad
04 Getting worse
05 Looking down
06 normal
07 perfectly normal
08 normal
09 Looking up
10 Getting better
11 Pretty good
12 It don't get no better than this
If it's really a tossup do a 1d2 - even=success, odd=failure.
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