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D36 Non lethal monster attacks
Posted on 2024-05-14

D36 Non lethal monster attacks
Monstrous attacks for cozy adventuring

D36 Non lethal monster attacks

1-1 Eat all your food.
1-2 Bury you, except for your head.
1-3 Replace one of your eyes with their own.
1-4 Capture you. They’re taking you somewhere worse.
1-5 Imprison you. You’re not leaving.
1-6 Turn your bones to jelly.
2-1 Turn parts of you to stone.
2-2 Steal your weapons. They’ve got sticky fingers.
2-3 Break your toes.
2-4 Start a feud with you. Them and their family won’t forget your face or your name.
2-5 Make you their torchbearer.
2-6 Burn your village.
3-1 Put out your lights. Soak your torches.
3-2 Cover you in oil. A spark would turn you into a torch.
3-3 Swallow you whole and take you with them.
3-4 Freeze you.
3-5 Tear apart your bags.
3-6 Tell your greatest enemy where you are.
4-1 Drag you under the earth.
4-2 Set you on fire.
4-3 Cut you one hundred tiny times.
4-4 Capture you, and make you serve them.
4-5 Turn your skin into a bed of fungus. It will slowly overtake you.
4-6 Make all your metal rust.
5-1 Leech off your blood.
5-2 Make you very sweaty, and very moist. It’s highly uncomfortable.
5-3 Drink wine with you. Really bad wine.
5-4 Explode in a shower of soot. It’ll take days to clean everything.
5-5 Scream loudly. Something will surely hear.
5-6 Trap you in quicksand.
6-1 Challenge you to an endless duel.
6-2 Make you their pet.
6-3 Make you stink like a bog. No one wants to be close to you.
6-4 Make you shine brightly.
6-5 Turn you into a play-thing for their children.
6-6 Make you sticky. Maybe they stick to you too.

Excerpted from d100 things a monster can threaten that aren’t your life

This page is part of a DM kit for my Just Quest sandbox.

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