Posted on 2024-06-03
Walking Out Of An Enchanted Forest When lost in an enchanted forest it can seem like you're going in circles. You can come across the same landmark, like a mossy treestump with an animal lair dug between the roots, repeatedly, until you're sure you're walking in circles. And yet you are staying on the same path which is most likely going somewhere other than in circles. Sometimes you convince yourself that the forest is changing the paths while you walk on them, which is not impossible with extremely deep enchantment. But, the most likely thing that is happening is that you're walking along whistling a happy tune and the next step, instead of taking you a step forward, takes you a half mile backwards to where you were ten minutes ago. Caper, the halfling bard, knows how to walk out of an enchanted forest. He uses intentional walking being very careful where he places each foot. If he is distracted, and he will be, because he is in an enchanted forest, he stops walking until he is refocused and ready to proceed. Caper says, "I look at the ground immediately in front of me noticing the pattern of twigs, stones, and leaves. I move my left foot into that pattern carefully placing it next to a twig or a leaf. Then I look at the ground immediately in front of me, noticing the pattern of twigs, stones and leaves. I move my right foot into that pattern carefully placing it next to a twig or a leaf. Back and forth, carefully, carefully, left and right. If I am distracted by wildlife, another hiker, or a fey creature, I stop and stand in place until I can focus on my walking again. Then I proceed as before. Usually in less than a half hour I find myself walking right out of the enchanted forest, but I continue left and right, carefully, carefully, for several more minutes so I don't find myself right back in it." Caper's intentional walking is a kind of anti magic through concentration. It's when you're walking along without paying attention to where you're going that you can end up somewhere that you don't want to be while walking through an enchanted forest.