Posted on 2024-05-14
I discuss my current strategy for sharing videos on the internet and my almost three decades of history programming the internet. I use, Live Music Archive, for hosting video and audio because I think they will have my work available after my self hosting stops. I use Youtube because that's where the audience is. I use the SDF Peertube, Toobnix, instance because I'm a member and it's available. I used to self host Peertube on Yunohost but that server went belly up which is one of the problems of self hosting. I like Peertube but I would like to pair it with a microblog/blog social network. I post more text than videos. I am running the Gamer+ Firefish server and I like Firefish very much. I did buy in early betting on the future. I have run dated social networks in the past like elgg and oxwall. When they lost support they became unmaintainable. I have also run Mastodon and Friendica but I didn't have a clear purpose other than Free Culture/Creative Commons. I have also written social network software in php but I've never written anything federated. I wrote TV Soup before there was myspace or youtube with user contributed videos, often realmedia or vivo. I have been programming the internet for almost 30 years. My first major website, Delta Boogie, is still running at, and I feed it regularly. I started it in 1995, back in the days of Alta Vista, fireplace gifs, and weather widgets. It's all been fun in spite of the occasional frustration and heartbreak. #video #internet #socialnetworks