Posted on 2024-05-19 The Orc AxE Answers and Explanations AKA FAQ The Orc AxE (Answers and Explanations AKA FAQ) A viral license with attribution required. Clearly places all game mechanics in the licensed content. Allows creators to place other content under the license by specific declaration. Good forever or as long as there is a copyright law. --- So, like the OGL, it can be argued that the game mechanics are not copyrightable anyway. But, with this license you probably don't have to go to court to argue that. If the game creators include more content in the license it becomes more valuable. So how good the license is depends on each game using the license. Still, it does seem to be a valid open source license managed by a non profit. I, of course, prefer CC BY, and I have heard it argued that we do not need an ORC license now that CC BY is an option. (Which is true if you're writing for D&D.) But not all companies can place there entire work under CC BY. They may be using licensed material where they do not own the copyright or they may own art or characters that they deem to be too valuable to license them CC BY. --- I am not prejudiced against ORC. I can see it's uses. I will probably never use it and I will probably never develop from ORC content. But if your business is writing for Pathfinder ORC is good. --- Here's a link to the comments thread for this post. #orc #ttrpgs