Posted on 2024-05-14
The Ghost Of The Oracle - Setup Preliminary document for The Ghost Of The Oracle campaign Prepping for my Just Quest sandbox family game. The quest starts in a tavern named The Sign Of The Golden Elk. The sign hanging in front of the tavern says The Sign Of The Golden Elk. So it's the sign of The Sign Of The Golden Elk. But what is the sign of the golden elk? Droppings. They're gold in color but really they're just elk poop. And what is the Golden Elk? It's a mythical beast, like a Unicorn. It's a large male elk with golden horns. They're not actually gold, just gold in color. And where is The Sign Of The Golden Elk tavern. It's in a village called Elk Trails, north of Milyagon and Tobbins Shire, a stopping off point for hunters, trappers, and adventurers. The population of Elk Trails is primarily dwarves but all races are common and this is in the north so occasionally monsters wander in too. They are tolerated as long as they don't cause trouble. And what is the party discussing? Previously the Ghost Of The Oracle mentioned The Queen Of Desperation. They are trying to figure out what this prognostication means and what they should do about it. The Ghost Of The Oracle is an NPPC, a non playing player character.