Posted on 2024-05-14
The Ghost Of The Oracle - Session Notes - March 16, 2024 Elk Trails has some interesting stories to tell. The Ghost Of The Oracle Quest Session notes March 16, 2024 The party gathered at The Sign Of The Golden Elk to discuss the meaning of Queen of Desperation, a recent prognostication of The Ghost Of The Oracle. Thokk wanted to go talk to the Mayor to see if they were desperate about something. He called Barton the bartender over to ask where to find the Mayor. The Ghost Of The Oracle said something about Mr. BB. The party went to talk to Grogloc, the Mayor. When asked if they were desperate he said with a lot of bluster that they were Dwarves. They had a mine. And they had plenty of gold. If the party wanted to help him they could spend their money in town, at the Inn, the taverns, and the Red Devil Emporium. Then he burst into a favorite dwarven song, Gold, Gold , Gold, Gold. When asked, Grogloc said he had not heard of Mr. BB but he knew AA and CC, two dwarves who ran the Red Devil Emporium. The party visited The Red Devil Emporium to find out about Mr. BB and to shop. AA and CC were behind the counter. They said they never heard of Mr. BB. Everybody shopped for stuff including a kettle because the Oracle had said Kettle Down. Elder Yawn bought some pipeweed from Hill Shire. They also wanted some herbs and potions the emporium didn't have. So AA and CC sent them to the herbalist. At the Golden Elk Herbalist they met Gladiola, a human healing witch. She sold Elderly Yawn some Pineapple Sticchi Icchi (the good stuff). And she sold Listenherebub a slightly larger bag of Gladiola's Special Blend recommended for anxiety. When Gladiola heard them talking about The Queen Of Desperation she went and got a small golden (colored) statue from her trinkets shelf and sold it to Thistle, the elf. The Ghost Of The Oracle spoke of light under but not over and she also mentioned beds so they thought they might need to check under the beds at the Inn. The herbalist sent them on to Dolphin Inn, a small establishment with rooms, a restaurant, and a larger function room. The innkeep doubled his income by letting monsters sleep under the beds with people sleeping on top. In front of the Dolphin Inn was a fountain with pennies in the pool and a sculpture of a dolphin dancing on it's tail and spraying water straight up into the air. The Oracle had said, "Left in the water fountain" and Shuba, the halfling dancer couldn't find anything left in the pond except pennies so she climbed right in to neck deep water (for a small halfling) and started dancing while circling left. The mayor and other townsfolk came out and clapped and threw pennies into the pond. As she spun faster the dolphin blew harder and soon everyone was soaking wet. They went into the Inn and Thokk started to check under the beds and found a giant shrew comfortably sleeping. After carefully replacing the bed he was intercepted by YoYo Longstring, the inn manager, who said they could only check rooms that were vacant of on the bed customers. In the 4 remaining vacant rooms he found a Bugbear, a Corpse Crawler, a Wolf, and a Cobra. Shuba, the Tiny Dancer, danced with the Bugbear and the Cobra. The Cobra climbed out of his basket so high that he hit his head on the ceiling and knocked himself out. Since his basket was about the same size as the kettle they bought from the emporium they transferred the cobra to the kettle and Shuba strapped it to her backpack. By now, it was getting late and everyone was ready to party. They rented the function room and everybody came. The mayor, Grokloc, AA and CC, Gladiola, The wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, the Bugbear, the March Hare, and the Cobra in his kettle. Even the corpse crawler shuffled in and scooted under the drinks table with the dead sailors (empty beer bottles). They all ate pie and had a big old time drinking ale and smoking pipeweed. In fact Listenherebub got so relaxed that he climbed right out of his chest of drawers and showed off his muscles wearing only body building shorts. He said he didn't need more clothes while he was in the chest of drawers.