Posted on 2024-05-14 20:21 PM
My grandsons have been helping me with a construction project so I've made it my job to teach them some appropriate aphorisms. Better is the enemy of good enough. Measure twice and saw once. Toenail is better than no nail. The right tool for the right job. A carpenter can always pick up his tools and walk. That's what she said. You wouldn't be much of a carpenter if you couldn't fix your mistakes. Pick every board and think about every nail. Don't put your tools up until the job is done. We're all done except for finishing. The first 90% of the job takes 90% of the time. The last 10% of the job takes the other 90% of the time. I checked the definition of aphorism. It's a pithy observation that contains a general truth. I guess that nails it.