Posted on 2024-05-14
How to distribute CDs and DVDs At least this is how I do it. How To Distribute CDs and DVDs At least this is how I do it. First off why? CDs play in DVD players, computers, and cars, not to mention the CD Players that are still part of most hifi systems. DVDs play in DVD players through Blu Ray and computers. They are both digital formats so they auto archive. CD rippers like Exact Audio Copy or abcde (a better CD encoder) deliver perfect .wav or .flac files and Handbrake will rip most DVDs no problem. Despite their complete lack of hipness they remain universally accessible. They are dirt cheap to manufacture and can be given away or sold at shows. Swag that people keep. I will burn a CD in a computer, print the face with an inkjet printer, put it in a black CD envelope, and mail it in an envelope that I fold out of a piece of printer paper for about $1 total. Without mailing .41. Blank CD ----- .20 CD Cover ----- .05 Ink ---------- .10 CD Envelope -- .06 Mailing Env. - .02 Postage ----- .68 For DVDs add a nickle to the cost of the media. I call this the eco-pack. No jewel case. Add a slimline jewel case for .35 for a slicker package. Don't mail the jewel cases. They break. So to sell at a show or in a store with a jewel case but no envelope or mailing each item costs .70. And it's a professional looking package that's shiny. And you use the exact same CD and CD Cover that you mail in the eco-pack. Send your discography to radio stations or subscribers for the cost of sending 1 CD. Just encode mp3 files at 320kb (Insane) and you can get 10 albums on one CD. These mp3 CDs can be copied into a computer music library and they will also play in many CD, DVD, and car players. There you go then. How about that?