Posted on 2024-07-21 DJ Hairy Larry Presents Daniel Turner Playing Customized Bliss From The Archives Of Something Blue July 21, 2024 Thanks Marty, Today we’re going to hear a solo guitarist play at the Brookland Methodist Church. On September 30, 2015, I arranged for Daniel Turner to play at our Wednesday night Praise service. He does a solo act he calls The Infinite Calling and it’s improvisatory ambient music. We usually sang praise music on Wednesday nights, dancing along and doing the hand movements. So when we had special music I tried to bring in acts that were different to expose our kids to a variety of music. When Infinite Calling played that night I think I pretty much suceeded in doing that. We had a lot of kids showing up for our Wednesday night services. So many that they outnumbered the adults in multiples of 4 or 5. Fifty kids and ten adults was a thing that happened sometimes. And when we were outnumbered like that we just had to blend in, singing, dancing, and doing the hand movements, just like the rest of the kids. We’re Methodists so we were happy to host musicians who were Lutheran, Presbyterian, Jewish, and even Baptist. Sometimes we had bands singing at our church that couldn’t sing at their own church. But this was the first time we had a Buddhist. When we had Wednesday night special music we didn’t have a service. The preacher would open with a prayer and then I’d introduce the band. After I introduced Daniel he gave a short Buddhist prayer. It fit right in. I was worried his music would be a little much for the kids but they loved it. About ten minutes into his set some of the kids were lying on the floor in the aisle. Now we did tumbling in church but even for us that was kind of weird. And then the whispering started, the music sounds much better when you’re lying down. Next thing you know Gretchen and I were on the floor too, enjoying Daniel’s “Customized Bliss”. That’s what he called his song, “Customized Bliss”, 36 minutes of guitar improvisation, a little bit too long for radio. So I have prepared an excerpt for us to enjoy on Arkansa Roots, about a sixth of his whole piece. I’ll post a link to the whole concert on the Something Blue website at So, here he is now, Daniel Turner, live at the Brookland United Methodist Church, recorded on September 30, 2015.