Posted on 2024-05-14
D36 Weird Forest Encounters A dice table for Just Quest Milyagon/Tobbins Shire adventures D36 Weird Forest Encounters More here - 1-1 - You see an unfamiliar plant on the side of the trail. It looks like it could be edible and you are feeling hungry. (There is a five percent chance the berry is poisonous.) 1-2 - A stream has washed out part of the trail. Make a Dexterity check to move forward without slipping into the stream and taking damage. 1-3 - A storm is coming, but the trail is passable. You can see a small shack in the forest that would provide shelter from the storm. 1-4 - You find a bag of coins on the side of the trail. 20 pennies and 1 silver. 1-5 - The sound of wind rustling through the trees. It is nice and relaxing and reminds you of a lost love. 1-6 - The party hears chanting coming from the woods. They can’t tell what is being said, but they can hear the guttural sounds of an orc or hobgoblin 2-1 - A strange flower is growing on the side of the trail. It has 4 large blue petals. The petals open up and yell, “Surrender! You are surrounded by the forest guard!” 2-2 - An old, wooden bridge crosses a river. A rope is attached to either end of the bridge. A group of gnomes (1d6) are on the bridge. They are trying to adjust the position of the bridge and get it back over the river. 2-3 - You hear a singing voice coming from the trees on the side of the path. There is no one there, but you can hear the voice clearly. 2-4 - You hear the sound of a waterfall off in the distance. 2-5 - You hear the sound of someone whispering loudly. 2-6 - Two nearby trees move towards the nearby river and drink from it. The trees are about 8 feet tall. 3-1 - The party comes across an abandoned camp. There are signs of a small campfire, a small bedroll, and a large tree stump. A search of the area will reveal a small tarnished silver cup with a strange emblem on it. 3-2 - A woman sporting a short haircut and wearing men’s clothing comes out of the woods holding an old fashioned bugle. She will ask for directions to the nearest city. 3-3 - Two men arguing about potatoes approach the party on a main trail through the forest. They stop and ask if they have seen any potatoes. One man offers gold to the party if they will find some. 3-4 - A local farmer is walking through the forest. He is carrying two bushels of apples. He offers the party some free fruit if they will carry one of the baskets. He is on his way to sell them at the nearest town. 3-5 - A young woman is sitting on a rock by the side of the trail. She looks lost and confused. She has a small pouch of gold coins with her. 3-6 - A small group of 1d4 goblins are running through the forest. They are singing an off-key song and appear to be drunk. 4-1 - A monk studying the local game and plants can be found near the edge of a nearby river. He will offer travel advice to the party. 4-2 - A local healer is walking through the forest. He is pushing a small hand cart. 4-3 - A lone man on the path is singing loudly. He appears to be a bard. He is carrying a large sack and a lute. He is on his way to a nearby village to play for a festival. 4-4 - A group of 1d4 goblins are walking through the forest. They appear to be in some type of religious ceremony. They are carrying sprigs of thorny bushes and walking around in circles. 4-5 - A group of 2d4 elves are walking through the forest. They are singing a song. They stop and ask if you have seen anything strange. One elf points to the sky and says that he lost something important. 4-6 - The party comes across a trail of 1d4+2 apples that have been carefully laid out on the forest floor. The apples are a perfect red color with a crisp white appearance. They taste delicious. 5-1 - On the right side of the trail, 1d4 large dark mushrooms can be found growing out of the ground. 5-2 - A small group of 1d4 goblins can be found dancing in the middle of the trail. They are laughing and singing loudly. They are having fun. 5-3 - A group of 2d4 elves can be found dancing in the middle of the trail. They are singing loudly and appear to be having a good time. 5-4 - Three skeletons are lying on the ground moaning and groaning. They have been cursed to remain forever on that spot. 5-5 - A group of 1d4 orcs is walking through the forest. They appear to be lost. One of them is injured and is being carried by another orc. They do not want to fight. 5-6 - A group of 5 adventurers are sitting around a campfire, singing songs. If you approach them, they have tales of a minor treasure nearby to share. 6-1 - Two old men are wandering through the forest, singing songs and drinking something out of huge pewter mugs. As players get close, the men stop singing, look shocked, and run away. 6-2 - You see a stone circle in the middle of the forest. 6-3 - A lone traveler is walking down an overgrown trail. He is carrying strange-looking candles and has a large bird perched on his shoulder. If the party approaches, he will shoo the bird and tell them to leave him alone. If offered food or coins, the man will share a story about the local area. 6-4 - A group of dwarves are playing dice games. They invite the party to join them. They will try to get the party drunk. 6-5 - The party finds a small field of wildflowers. The flowers smell sweet and can be used as a potent healing salve. 6-6 - Two elderly men stumble out from behind a tree. They lost their way and are tired. from