Posted on 2024-05-14 20:52 PM
D36 Village Features There's something special about this village. What is it? D36 Village Features 1-1 - The village boasts one of the most expansive libraries in the realm. A nominal fee grants you access to the three-story building, where you can explore any topic that piques your interest. 1-2 - Crumbling ramparts and palisades mark the landscape surrounding this village. It seems as though this village was built upon the ruins of a long-destroyed city. 1-3 - The village center point is a strange abandoned gothic cathedral, built of cast-iron and adamantine. If you look you will find a single hidden door that looks like a standard stain glass window, it will lead into a hidden underground complex of many other churches, to any number of known and unknown gods. 1-4 - A beautiful spring is the center piece of the town, everyone from the farmhands to the nobles gather water from it. Some say the waters have healing properties, most just think it tastes good. 1-5 - The village has a large graveyard just outside the main square, where the grave markers are noteworthy in the region for being humorous or especially poetic. 1-6 - The village sits at the base of a hill and over half of the buildings were recently buried by a massive mudslide. There are still rooftops and chimneys visible poking up out of the deep mud on one side of the town. 2-1 - The entire village is built in the treetops, with rope bridges connecting the various buildings. 2-2 - The entire village is built on small individual building-sized islands with swampy water flowing between them. The villagers make their way around the village via small boats or rope bridges. 2-3 - The village is on a steep hill. Typical houses have a front door on the lower story and a back door on the upper story. 2-4 - Most buildings in the village are circular, with conical roofs. Almost all the roads in the village are curved. Hard angles are the exception rather than the norm. 2-5 - The village is situated on a collection of natural hot springs. The town is famous for its hot baths, which reportedly have restorative or curative properties. 2-6 - There is an immense tree in the center of the village. The species is unidentified, but it produces tens of thousands of tiny yellow flowers. Petals and pollen from the flowers rain down during late spring and through summer, coating everything in the the village in a fine layer of golden colour. 3-1 - The village is defended by a wall made largely of giant bones. 3-2 - This village contains a monastery and the locals are a direct reflection of it. This village is known for it's spiritual enlightenment and martial arts. Some of the villagers can be found meditating in the open streets to find their inner life force. 3-3 - The village sits at the base of the majestic Snowy Peaks, a mountain range that stretches to the horizon. The village's most notable feature is the ancient temple that stands atop the highest peak of the Snowy Peaks. This temple is said to be the resting place of an ancient dragon, whose presence is said to bring luck and fortune to those who venture within its walls. 3-4 - The village is home to a massive, and exotic, menagerie in the center of town where animals from around this realm and others are kept for the viewing pleasure of the townsfolk. 3-5 - Most buildings have cellars, which in turn connect into a mesh of tunnels. Perhaps a subterranean species shares the village, or perhaps the villagers use them for protection from attacks or bad weather. 3-6 - It never rains in the village - never. Roofs amount to flimsy sunshades. Fortunately that's not true of the surrounding countryside. 4-1 - In this village, there is a well that often overflows and sprays water like a geyser. The locals consider it a symbol of the water gods' might and a famous attraction that draws visitors from distant places.The overflowing well is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to the abundance of water in the underground aquifers. The water pressure builds up, causing the well to overflow and gush water out periodically, creating a spectacle for onlookers. The locals often gather around the well, telling stories and legends about the water gods' blessings and the well's supernatural powers. 4-2 - The village has seven wells, all functional. There's a variety of stories for why so many. 4-3 - The entire village is housed in one large building, when the population grows the building expands with it. The community is known to be very well connected because they live so closely together. 4-4 - This village is built on top of a large bridge that spans over a body of water. It welcomes commerce and trade as many pass through to other larger cities. 4-5 - This village is built on top of a gigantic but peaceful creature that occasionally decides to move locations. The people revere it and do what they can to show appreciation for allowing them to live with it symbiotically. 4-6 - The houses are built on stilts or raised platforms and joined by causeways to protect from frequent and severe floods. 5-1 - This Village is a "Ghost Town" not in the aspect that it is deserted, or filled with ghosts. The town itself is the spectral ghost of a town that once stood at that very location. 5-2 - Most of the buildings in the village have flat roofs that interconnect with their neighbors. These spaces are used for all manner of activities. There are stairs or ladders all over the place for access. 5-3 - The village sits on a cliffside and several nearby columns of rock. Houses are jammed onto any available flat surface, with some hanging precipitously off the edges. 5-4 - The village is centered around fast moving stream which has a series of mills along it. These all feature immense waterwheels. 5-5 - The village is suspended over the canyon on spider's silk. The residence breed and train giant spiders here and use them to help with labor (harvest farms, move goods. Construction assistance, silk farms) 5-6 - This village mostly resides in an old opal mine and the walls and ceilings glisten with rainbows of colors in the light. 6-1 - This village features mushrooms heavily. Some man made, some naturally grown, and some magically enhanced and enlarged. 6-2 - This village is almost entirely made of ribs, tusks, horns, and other skeletal features of a large and vast race of creatures that has since been hunted to extinction. 6-3 - This village is entirely made up of treehouses high in the canopy. 6-4 - The village is built out of the remains of an old dungeon, and everything has been repurposed to assist the resident's day-to-day lives. 6-5 - This village is entirely made of ship wrecks, beached ships, and other ocean debris that washes up on its shore, giving it a very unique and cobbled-together look. 6-6 - This land-locked village surrounds a pond. Fake seaweed, paper fish, and plants have been magically enchanted to simulate life underwater. Most of the residents are devote worshippers of a water deity, but few are water breathers. Excerpted from 100 Medieval Village Notable Features This is in the DM kit for my Just Quest sandbox.