Posted on 2024-05-14
D36 Non lethal Fey Tricks and Pranks Fey Tricks and Pranks for Cozy Adventuring D36 Non lethal Fey Tricks and Pranks 1-1 Curse your gold. No merchant will trust you again if they catch you. 1-2 Give you an embarrassing nickname that sticks. 1-3 Give you bad luck for seven years, as if you’ve broken a mirror. All your critical successes turn to failures. 1-4 Make you lose your way. 1-5 Turn you into a tree for three days. 1-6 Haunt your dreams. 2-1 Make your back ache. You hunch in pain now. 2-2 Tell you a bad joke. You can’t help but repeat it to the next person you meet. 2-3 Entrance you. They make you love them. 2-4 Sing you a very bad song for a very long time. You can’t get it out of your head. People don’t appreciate the humming. 2-5 Compel you to go down every road you find. 2-6 Refuse to stop making small-talk. 3-1 Put soot sprites in your bag. It’ll take days to clean everything. 3-2 Make you lose sleep. They’re there when you close your eyes. 3-3 Capture you. They’re going to teach you something. 3-4 Give you something cute to take care of. 3-5 Send you down the wrong path. 3-6 Lead you to a trap. 4-1 Tell you a safe path is trapped. 4-2 Steal your clothes. 4-3 Make you ugly. 4-4 Take away your hearing. 4-5 Swap your body with theirs. Or someone else’s. 4-6 Turn your eyes witch-grey. Old people won’t trust you – they remember. 5-1 Turn you into a pig. 5-2 Give you a bird that won’t stop talking. It knows a lot of useful things, but it likes giving useless advice more. 5-3 Entrance you with their dancing. You can’t look away. 5-4 Eat your memories. 5-5 Steal your boots. 5-6 Make you do something for them. It’s probably dangerous or humiliating. Maybe both. 6-1 Turn you into a guinea pig 6-2 Lock you in sweet, pleasant, psychedelic stupor. 6-3 Eat your voice. 6-4 Change your face. No one recognizes you anymore. 6-5 Make you sing. The voice isn’t yours. 6-6 Put you in a maze. Excerpted from d100 things a monster can threaten that aren’t your life This page is part of a DM kit for my Just Quest Sandbox.