Posted on 2024-05-14
D36 Animal Forest Encounters 36 random encounters with animals in the woods I've been working on a DM kit for my Just Quest sandbox. D36 Forest Animal Encounters More here - 1-1 Walking along a forest trail, you spot a creature out of the corner of your eye. It is watching you. 1-2 The forest is very silent. You notice a set of tracks from a deer or other large animal. The tracks lead deeper into the forest and then just stop. 1-3 A bird flies up into the trees above you. It calls out and a circle of other birds fly out of the trees. They are all cawing and “talking” to one another. 1-4 As you are walking along the edge of a river, a huge bird swoops down from the sky and grabs a fish from the river. It flies 200 feet up into the air and eats the fish in one bite. 1-5 As you walk along the river, your boot falls into the water. As you pull it out of the water, you see a fish with two heads. It is flapping around on the river bank. 1-6 A majestic deer is standing on the path. It lets out a deep roar and you hear a tree fall in the distance. 2-1 A group of deer (1d6 + 4) come running out of the trees. 2-2 You see a deer walking along the path. It is carrying something in its mouth. It looks like it might be carrying a tiny man. It’s actually carrying an odd shaped piece of wood in its mouth. Or is it? 2-3 .A large snake is slithering along the path. It pauses for a moment to take a look at you. It then darts off the trail into the brush. 2-4 A hummingbird is flying around a specific flower in the forest. It stops to carefully examine the flower. 2-5 The sound of birds chirping. 2-6 The sound of a bird taking flight. 3-1 The sound of hooves on a wooden bridge. 3-2 A group of four squirrels run out and run back and forth across the trail. 3-3 Two butterflies are dancing in the air. 3-4 The sound of flapping wings. 3-5 The sound of an owl hooting. 3-6 You see a giant butterfly with a wingspan of about 10 feet. It spots you and flies over. It lands on someone in your group and then flies off. The butterfly disappears in the trees. 4-1 The sound of a large, moving creature in the distance. 4-1 The sound of a large animal moving through the woods. It might be a bear or a giant rat. 4-3 The sound of a small animal scurrying away from the path. 4-4 Three rabbits run across the path. They stop, look at you, and then dash off into the trees. 4-5 A small bird (sparrow) is sitting on the path. 4-6 The sound of something large and heavy moving around in the nearby bushes. 5-1 A group of 2d6 forest animals (deer, squirrels, birds, etc.) run across the path. 5-2 A large crow lands on a nearby tree branch. It squawks loudly and then flies off. 5-3 A group of 2d4 wild dogs approach the party. They appear to be feral and starving. They will attempt to beg for any type of food. One can be tamed and will become a valued companion to the party. 5-4 The party comes across a group of 2d4 rabbits. They appear to be playing some type of game with each other. 5-5 A group of 1d4 wild deer are drinking from a nearby pond. 5-6 A small group of 1d4 deer run across the trail. 6-1 A small bird lands on a nearby tree branch and stares at the party. It continues to stare at one of the party members in an ominous manner. 6-2 A group of 1d4 wild dogs (basically wolves) run across the trail. They appear to be starving. 6-3 A small group of 1d4 deer are grazing in an open field. 6-4 You see a small fox on the side of the trail. The animal is injured. 6-5 The sound of snapping branches can be heard through the trees. 6-6 You hear the howl of a wolf. The sound is coming from behind the party. selected from