Posted on 2024-05-20
Bookmarks, Favorites, Boosts, and Replies What they are and when to use them. I've used Mastodon for years but I have only recently moved the G+DBN server to Mastodon so all things that are old are new again. So I had to do some studying. When you read a post there is a set of four easy notations you can make, Bookmarks, Favorites, Boosts, and Replies. What's different about them and why would you choose one or the other? Bookmarks are a private notation. Nobody else sees your Bookmarks. It's a way to make it easy for you to find the post later, maybe when you have more time or maybe you want to wait until you're sitting at a keyboard. Bookmarks are a menu choice in the Getting Started column so it's easy to locate your Bookmarks and scroll throught them. Favorites are the equivalent of Likes. The poster gets a notification that you marked their post with the gold star. Some clients will list your handle as a person who marked the post as Favorite. Favorites are also easy to find as a menu choice on the Getting Started column. Boosting a post activates the viral aspect of Mastodon by showing the post on your timeline for your followers to see and to make it easier for you to find. A Boost is the preferred way to show that you like a post. It actually helps the post reach more eyes. So, why do I sometimes Favorite or Bookmark instead of Boosting? My server has a focus, Music, Gaming, and Free Culture. So sometimes I want to Bookmark a post so I can find it later or even Favorite it to let the poster know that I like it without injecting an off topic post about politics, religion, etc, into my server's focus. And finally Replies, the best possible of all responses. When you Reply to a post it shows the post and your reply on your timeline and you are engaging in a converstion with the poster. Sometimes this results in comment threads with several participants, the best thing about social networks. I don't always have something to say about everything but I often do and when I do I Reply. These easy notifications are not exclusive. You can Bookmark a post to make it easier to find. When you read it later you can favorite it. If it links to an article or to art you can take the link and then come back to boost it into your timeline and/or Reply. Each person will find their own way to make these notifications work for them. I'm still working on what works for me. Please comment on what works for you. Thanks